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Miami Friendors:

Your Partner in Business Growth and Event Success

Miami Friendors is the ultimate partner in event coordination, community engagement, and small business support in South Florida. Our mission is to bring people together through expertly coordinated events and extensive community support. Our goal is to help local residents explore South Florida's event scene and assist small businesses in their growth journey.



We've got the skills that make all the difference! 

Vendor Management

We vet every vendor we recommend to ensure that they meet our high standards of professionalism, reliability, and creativity. Our seamless virtual application and payment processing systems all you to focus on your event.

Event Coordination

We handle meticulous site plan creation and dedicated on-site support. We ensure that every aspect of the event, including logistics and setup, is flawlessly executed, coordinating with vendors and staff to maintain a seamless experience for all attendees.

Event Promotion

We utilize social media platforms to create engaging content like reels and hooks for showcasing events. Our promotional efforts are supported by email marketing campaigns to enhance visibility and engagement.

Small Business Support

Supporting small businesses is at the heart of what we do. We facilitate connections between local businesses and community events, providing resources and guidance on optimizing their online presence and marketing strategies.

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Community First

We believe in the power of community and strive to create connections that benefit everyone.


Excellence in Service

We are committed to delivering excellent service, ensuring every interaction exceeds expectations.


Support and Growth

We are dedicated to helping small businesses grow and thrive in South Florida's unique market.


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"As the Executive Director of a very large festival finding honest and reliable people to work with sometimes seems impossible. However, Miami Friendors were wonderful to work with. Very professional, organized and most importantly delivered. They were able to help alleviate an extremely important area of any event and allowed my partner and I to work on everything else that mattered. It was great working with them."

- Julie Arias, Executive Director, Rivercities Festival


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